Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Discoveries [Colorado]

Staying awake while driving at night is much easier with this girl as your co-pilot.  and fun.

Even if it means dinner is going to be [way] late, always make time for quality picture taking.  
& that being single is awesome [but we already knew that]

Fancy nights lead nicely into all girl dance parties... & Erin will ALWAYS surprise you with her skills.  [bad girls in the kitchen]

Getting a little lost on the way home from the farmers market can totally be a good thing & dancing on a rock is not that weird...

Putting the tortilla directly on the flame is a MUCH yummier way to heat them & group cooking is worth it every time.  

Even though sand volleyball dulls my toenail polish... the cheering, laughter, and excitement totally make up for it!  

When their are lots of bugs, thin air, sweat, & really great people... the hike will be extremely well worth it.

This trip to Breckenridge, CO with college friends will not soon be forgotten.  Thank you guys for making the sacrifices to make this wonderful vacation [memory maker] happen.  I love you all more than early mornings with hot coffee, reading, mountains, and whispers :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gracias a Dios

             for bringing the Mocha Bianca back into my life and coffee dates with my letter friend.

        for bottles of root beer, pink nails polished by my mama, and a talented bro-tank-making friend.

                     for the bare brunch club, inviting lamps, and slow rainy mornings at home.

            for rummage sale helpers, freaky bear-toys, 30 lovely people's stuff, and funds coming in.