Tuesday, January 28, 2014


involving paint and marshmallows in the teaching of Kindergarteners
gets you a lot of points with 5 year olds
doing mini expeditions every few weeks helps me
enjoy teaching Kindergarten more

it can take mail up to 5 weeks to get here 
if I plan it just right :)

brownies taste better with a heart cut out in the middle
celebrating birthdays gives me joy 

now that I will be having a room of my own, 
I have an unexpected desire to "nest"
Alicia will not pass up an opportunity to photobomb,
 which in my opinion is a exciting way to live 

 living near your family is a great place to live
(let's face it, I knew that one already) 

adding hashtags to your professional development poster
makes PD a whole lot more fun 
being in full time ministry is hard and wonderful
at the same time

la panaderia has new desserts
poorly executed karaoke does not mix well with 
coffee and planning

when you order a Nescafe and tell them it's "to go"
it will have 4 pieces of tape over it

when 7th graders are mixed with Kindergarteners
everything turns out better 
I still really want to be a librarian 

 if Lexie and I get locked INSIDE my house
we will have to climb the gate to leave
 the longer your legs are, the easier it will be

when you ask if it's okay to have the leftover potato salad for lunch
Nelly will make you a whole plate of food while you aren't watching 

clothes dry really fast on super hot days
it's really hard to say goodbye to a family that welcomed you 
into an unfamiliar country and culture

I move tomorrow!
I'm really excited for my new house and roommates
but I'm really sad to be leaving my family.
If you want, I'd love prayer for a good transition. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

When I'm… falling asleep

I see:
a mostly dark room - a book - lamps - candles - an iPod 

I hear:
lots of dogs - kids and adults voices - music - critters 

I smell:
 my blanket and pillow - cooking food 

I taste:
not a thing 

I feel:
sometimes sweat - sometimes cold feet - cozy blankets 

I feel:
exhausted - excited about sleep - lonely - peace 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gracias a Dios [Jarabacoa]

After I reread yesterday's blog post
I realized what happens if you write while you cry…
it turns out really sad.
Sorry if I depressed you.

But life feels sad sometimes,
and that is okay.
I'm glad I can be real with you all.

But I did want to take a quick second to share some 
of the blessings that have been happening around Jarabacoa.

Thank you God!

for a familiar face to greet me at the airport
[Cresly, on of my students, was waiting at the airport 
for a friend from church]

for a wonderful family to come back to
and Justine's family traditions

for a brand new quilt to snuggle into at night 

for my first Dominican haircut 
and Natalie's skills 

for warm evenings 
and the way that relaxes everyone 

for slow afternoon's of planning, movie watching, and brownie baking

for God's promises and Jarabacoa 

for late nights, new games, and big porches 

for books and sisters 

for friends who remind me that where I'm at is good
[thank you Jess for those 5 reasons]

for friends who invite me along on their adventures 

for wet dogs and laughing with friends 

for snap chats from my mama that include 
the ceiling and her bangs and make me laugh out loud 

Thank YOU for walking through this journey alongside me.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Both here and there, I do feel loved.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gracias a Dios [Sioux Falls: Part 2]

I'm in the thick of transitioning back into life here.
It's harder than I thought it would be.  

Currently I'm crying in the middle of a coffee shop
that's not really even a coffee shop.
I just call it a coffee shop to make myself happy about it.

I miss my family, friends, and ministry in Sioux Falls.
I know that it's normal to feel this way,
but it still stinks.

So I'm going to cruise through this post
so I don't have to think and stare at these photos for too long.
My tears are all wiped and dried now,
we don't need any new ones…

Thank you Jesus...

for campaigner girls who inspire me
and winter clothes

for a family that totally stands by my side as
I make financial decisions
and easy paperwork 

for a family that is active
and cold colors

for fancy dress-up dinners 
and a bunch of girls getting ready together 

for coffee shops that feel like home
and friends who are real with each other 

for ladies who will pretend to be figure skaters with me
and for warming houses

for so many options
and fast mexican food with friends

for falling asleep on the comfy couch at Kaia's 
while watching Gilmore Girls with my girls

for cozy nights cuddled under blankets
and cheesy Halmark Christmas movies

for that feeling I get when I'm inside a warm building
and it's cold outside

for OPH and first date stories and dressing room laughter 

for grandparents who support and love me so well
and feed me well too...

for this cozy living room 
that brings people close together

for a sister-in-law and cousin 
who are sisters to me

for these brothers and their stories 
and bird movies 

for friends who support me overwhelmingly well
and even bless me with painted toes 

for hair braiding friends 
and bringing in the new year with people I love

for laying under the Christmas tree
and being blessed with little ones in my life

Most of all
Thank you Jesus
for You  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Gracias a Dios [Sioux Falls: Part 1]

I went home.

 Believe it or not, I was REALLY excited to go from this to this.

I have so much to be grateful to God for. 
Being away from my home has helped me to understand that even better.
For this post and the next
I want to shout out a few of the things I praise God for...

for part of my YL family waiting at the airport for hours 
into the night while my plane kept getting delayed 
and happy tears

for a mom who brought my boots, long socks, my coat,
mittens, and my favorite headband to the airport 
to welcome and prepare me for the tundra 

for a dog who remembers me
and showed me that by shoving her head into my body 
and whining [THE sweetest reunion]

for the family I have at Hayward Elementary School 
and they way they support my next adventure

for a grandpa who can play indoor hockey
with his great-grandson
and warm fireplaces

for a full day spent with my college girls 
and quick starbucks runs

for butterscotch latte's, Coffea, 
and friends who understand me

for housewarming parties
and hilarious games of water pong

for a full house, ugly sweaters, and GATHER

for washing dishes to ghettoize music 
and clean sinks

for The Point and my unconditionally supportive church family 
that reminds me of Jesus

for relaxing massages
and my Amy sister 

for families that grow together 
and relaxing nights at home

for meals around our big table 
and Chinese food eaten by candle light 

for my first drive in 5+ months and 
friends and family that drive me all over kingdom come

for coffee dates where I left feeling loved and known 

for me beloved family
and Janna's red lace dress

for Christmas Eve curry with the Caselli's
and Christmas morning left and right game with the Morgan's

for Christmas traditions that never grow old
and my favorite park

for homemade hot chocolate with a candy cane 
and nights by the christmas tree with my slippers on

for intentional time with one of my favorite people
and Caribou Coffee

for late night hot tubing with my family
and dark cold nights 

for nights of card playing and cookie eating 
and friendly competition 

Gracias a Dios [Sioux Falls: Park 2]
on it's way :)