involving paint and marshmallows in the teaching of Kindergarteners
gets you a lot of points with 5 year olds
doing mini expeditions every few weeks helps me
enjoy teaching Kindergarten more
it can take mail up to 5 weeks to get here
if I plan it just right :)
brownies taste better with a heart cut out in the middle
celebrating birthdays gives me joy
now that I will be having a room of my own,
I have an unexpected desire to "nest"
Alicia will not pass up an opportunity to photobomb,
which in my opinion is a exciting way to live
living near your family is a great place to live
(let's face it, I knew that one already)
adding hashtags to your professional development poster
makes PD a whole lot more fun
being in full time ministry is hard and wonderful
at the same time
la panaderia has new desserts
poorly executed karaoke does not mix well with
coffee and planning
when you order a Nescafe and tell them it's "to go"
it will have 4 pieces of tape over it
when 7th graders are mixed with Kindergarteners
everything turns out better
I still really want to be a librarian
if Lexie and I get locked INSIDE my house
we will have to climb the gate to leave
the longer your legs are, the easier it will be
when you ask if it's okay to have the leftover potato salad for lunch
Nelly will make you a whole plate of food while you aren't watching
clothes dry really fast on super hot days
it's really hard to say goodbye to a family that welcomed you
into an unfamiliar country and culture
I move tomorrow!
I'm really excited for my new house and roommates
but I'm really sad to be leaving my family.
If you want, I'd love prayer for a good transition.