Saturday we headed up the mountain
[a whopping 10 minute drive]
to a cabin [read: wonderful and large house]
for a nights stay.
Thank you Wallace Family for your generosity.
You are inspiring to say the least.
kneading dough and baking with yeast
oh yeah we used the espresso machine
We struggled all Saturday to get the oven to work.
No such luck.
I was truly challenged while I watched Brad prepare
the chicken for our big Thanksgiving dinner.
The oven wasn't working, but he was putting so much effort
in preparing the bird.
It was a lesson in trust and expectant hope.
Victory is ours!
Thanksgiving dinner is saved!
This celebration was fabulous.
two girls perfecting their crafts
[Emily - cooking
Alicia - art]
window peeping on a busy kitchen
crackling fire
Curt's apple pie
and mini pumpkin pies...
dessert and 1st breakfast...
early morning sit
with good books and good friends
It's official!
Emily and I are trained baristas!
Thanks Neal ;)
Thanksgiving 2014 breakfast crew
"You've made crepes before, right?"
"No... I thought you had..."
we were spoiled
with views
with food
with friends
Holidays are not complete without
watching "White Christmas"
in your jammies.
twinkle light putter uppers
What a splendid Thanksgiving break.
Although we live on an island,
things are not always perfect here.
It's still normal life.
[just a bit warmer]
But this holiday break was exceptionally wonderful.
I hope yours was too.
What was the highlight of your Thanksgiving this year?