This week has been SO up and down.
I'm amazing myself even.
Happy one minute,
crying the next.
Absolutely ecstatic one minute,
wanting to run to Sioux Falls the next.
It's exhausting to say the least.
But things are looking up.
It's the weekend.
Fun plans are on the horizon.
Bugs are dying in my bedroom as we speak.
It's only up from here :)
But even if it does get worse,
God is still good.
He is.
[I need to remind myself sometimes]
Even if the bugs come back.
Even if my job gets harder.
Even if I get sick.
He is still Good.
God is good to me in so many ways.
Can I share a few?
Lord, thank you for...
1. a bed to sleep in
2. a helmet from selfless friends
3. natural light
4. extremely cute neighbors
5. our spiral staircase
6. roommates that have patience with me
7. kindergarten selfies
8. top knots
9. fans to keep us cool
10. friends who save a spot for me
11. b&g ice cream
12. snap chat
13. cookies that are full of home
14. traditions
15. my kick-butt family
16. knowledge being passed on
17. children who listen
18. the chance to serve with my kiddos
19. seriously, like so dang cute
20. my sweet Hanalei growing up [not pictured]
21. my sweet Liam's videos [not pictured]
22. friends who stay up late together
23. community
24. chicken
25. my watch and my ring
26. becoming more and more like my parents
27. the simplicity of life here
28. administrators that value us
29. comfort food [and drink]
30. the face that numbers 1-29 could just go away
and God would still be good.
He died.
For me.
And that's all it takes for Him to be good.
Has life been rough this week?
What is one thing that's been good?
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