Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gracias a Dios

One year ago today I said "I will go."
I was sitting at my desk at Hayward Elementary School,
it was lunchtime and the room was empty and dark.
I was on the phone with a woman named Krista.
I had never met her.
I had never been to her school
or her country.  

I had, of course, talked to
my parents,
my brother & sister,
my closest friends,
and most importantly
the Lord.

I said "I will go" and I am glad I did.

Not because it's been easy or fun or perfect.
Not because it's been warm all year or because
21 kiddos learned to speak English.

I'm glad I did because
I believe this is an opportunity the Lord put in front of me
and He gave me enough bravery to say
"I will go".  

I've been thankful for a lot this year.  
He is some of my gratitude lately...

I'm thankful for crazy, wild, and loud birthday parties in my classroom.  

for a wee-little neighbor who does my hair for free :)

I'm grateful for a bible study that 
cooks, eats, laughs, cries, reads, and learns together.  

for boys who are goofy, risky, and very smart.  

Thank you God for wiggly baby teeth and Kindergarten selfies.
[who gave this girl my password?…]

for a mama that I can be honest with [and a blog for that matter]
and for situations that stretch me.

I'm thankful for friends that steal my camera 
and for a blog to post embarrassing pictures on ;)

for nights spent with family and for my spanish that,
although is not as great as I wish,
IS improving.  

I'm oh-so-grateful for sweet and innocent dreams.

Here I am.
A teacher and Young Life leader 
at Doulos Discovery School
in the Dominican Republic.

I'm so glad the Lord got me here,
and I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me.

I really hope it involves being a barista…

What do you want to be when you grow up?!

1 comment:

  1. gosh, you're so great. love you, morgan. and i'm SO glad you said yes one year ago.
