Monday, March 3, 2014

Gracias a Dios

It's raining.
The sound of drops of water hitting the tin roof
mixed with Audrey Assad's soothing voice
is putting me in a nice place.  

You may ask, 
"Why is Morgan listening to rain,
enjoying Audrey Assad,
and writing a blog post at 9:12am on a Monday?"

Good question.

Because of her.
Hannah [aka Miss Foil] is our elementary intern.
She is spending each month of this semester 
in different classrooms at Doulos.
February was Kindergarten!!
And this week she is full time teaching my kiddos.
So fun, right?!

That means I am spending this week being self motivated
Pray for me.
I'm trying to have my next 5 weeks planned and ready.  
I can do it.  

Beginning with that,
I've been grateful for a lot lately.

Thank you Lord, for heart shaped pizzas, 
traditions that can cross oceans,
and roommates that think I'm crazy.

for freshly sharpened pencils
and parents who think to send them

I'm grateful for friends and family
that take time to connect with me,
and the creators of Skype and FaceTime.  

for bold makeup,
bold clothes,
and bold people.

I'm so thankful Lord, 
for slow quiet mornings 
full of coffee, mountains, whispers, my favorite blanket and reading.
[you were extremely missed Erin]

for Friday night Ballet,
watching teachers support their students,
and seeing talent develop.  

Thank you for new shoes bought in Jarabacoa that, 
as funny as it may seem, 
help this place feel even more like home.

for mugs with South Dakota churches on them
and the smile that puts on my face.

What have you been grateful for lately?  
Tell me!  

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