Friday, March 7, 2014


I have loved this week off from teaching.
It has been good.
But very good.
I've planned, blogged, researched, and 
enjoyed wonderful people.  
So good.

I've felt:
achy, tired, unproductive, grouchy, negative, sad, sloppy…
It's just been one of those weeks
when you feel off.
You know what I mean?

That in itself is NOT a bad thing.

when my bible study was walking
into an english speaking Ash Wednesday service 
I was carrying all those feelings with me.

Through the scripture readings and songs I was having trouble
connecting with the Lord.
I was feeling guilty about myself and my week.

Sometimes I slip into believing the lie 
that God only wants me when I'm "strong".
When I'm:
well liked, busy, productive, organized, happy, energized, helpful, 
encouraging, healthy, put together…


In the middle of the Ash Wednesday service I was reminded of 
a YL leader retreat from a few years ago.
It was ALL about weakness.
And how the Lord uses our weakness.
I had forgotten that.

That Ash Wednesday service was such a sweet time with the Lord
AFTER I remembered how much He loves me
in the middle of my mess.  

What lies do you catch yourself believing sometimes?  
I dare you to talk about them with a trusted friend today. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been believing the lie that tells me "the busier I am with Christ-centered things= the better I'm serving Him."

    I am focusing on being genuinely present in each moment and with each person the Lord has brought me to. I'm going to look at things that I have considered "burdens" with joy and excitement as they are an opportunity to serve Him.
