Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gracias a Dios [Atlanta Edition]

Atlanta was wonderful.
Learning, coffee, building friendships, the familiarity of home…
It was all fabulous.
good news:
It was great to come home to the DR!
That was something that took me by surprise.
I loved getting away, but coming back to a place I now know,
that I really loved.  

Thank you God for...

I just love the feeling of a coffee shop. (clearly I'm not alone)
Working, writing, and just relaxing in Starbucks was a highlight.

Barnes and Noble. 
I could get lost in a book store for hours.
Thankfully Alicia feels the same way.  
We spent part of an evening camped out in the kids section :)

Pumpkin ice cream, Target (3 times!), and public transportation.
I consumed a lot of pumpkin flavored food and drank while in the USA :)
We rode the MARTA everywhere during the conference, 
and it always gets me excited!

Barbecue and how excited Alicia was about it!
It was WONDERFUL to experience my first time back to the States with another person who has already done it.
I am so thankful for you Alicia.

For the Starbucks Christmas cup coming out the day I headed back 
and the drink that warmed my cold fingers.  

 Lovely friendships and twinkle lights.

For huge fluffy beds, a magical view, and computers that work.

For new knowledge, inspiration, and resources.
I cannot explain how much I grew as an expeditionary learning teacher from this conference.  
We just started our first expedition, and I feel so prepared to make it a success!

Thank you for coffee Jesus.  
Thank you specifically for Caribou Coffee.
And for a beautiful lobby and neat elevator.  

For letting my fly with friends!
For the past 4 years, I've only traveled solo.  
I loved having the chance to fly with people I know,
and it made the process fun and not so boring.  

Again, thank you so much for making this trip possible!
I am blessed with generous people who are investing in me and my students.  
God is good to me.

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