Things have been good.
They really have.
But sometimes I am catching myself only thinking about the hard things.
The things that are different... hard... gone...
I do not want to live life like that.
I want to be thankful, fully realizing all that I have.
Today has been hard.
Really hard.
So here I am, intentionally being thankful for all the good.
join me?
1. God is here with me {that is really ALL I need}
2. Coffee is good here, and it's around everyday
3. I have not seen many spiders since moving here
4. I still get to talk {and pray} with my loved ones back home... yes, I peeked
5. The people back home have showed me great great love
6. I've gotten 3 packages since arriving!
7. I have a computer
8. I can watch movies and tv for free
9. Gilmore Girls is loved by many people here
10. I live really close to the OCEAN
11. My new friends {and coworkers and family and...} like me and care about me
12. We laugh together often
13. This exists here
14. I have a place to "escape" to and feel like I'm in the US
15. My coworkers have the same desires and goals for teaching that I do
16. My students are so cute {this little girl is basically standing on top of me while in line}
17. My students are great dancers and like to have fun
18. I teach in a brand new building and my room is really big
19. I have a fan and a lamp
20. My room is becoming more and more "mine"
21. I can sleep fairly well
22. I have screens on my windows {no bugs, except ants, while I sleep!}
23. I live in a year round green place
24. I live in the mountains
25. Our school is our family {celebrating Tim's birthday during lunch}
26. I work on a beautiful campus
27. There is clean water and pop here
28. I get to live with this sweet chica and her amazing family
29. My home is comfortable
30. I'm learning a new language {crazy when I think about it}
31. I get to shower everyday
32. Our house is really clean
33. I have less clothes, so getting ready is much easier
34. They sell my shampoo in Jarabacoa
35. I have an extremely loving and helpful "safe base" {family, friends, sufu}
36. I feel, for the most part, very safe here
37. I live in a pretty quiet house
38. The parents of my students are extremely nice and helpful
39. I am healthy
40. I am doing well financially {thanks to you all}
41. Liam interacts with me on FaceTime
42. I live in a part of the DR that gets cooler temps
43. My mom comes in 20 days!!!!
44. I have friends with cars and motos
45. I get to be a Young Life leader
46. I am friend with so many people who can help me be a better teacher
47. I enjoy the food here
48. Baseball is popular here and it is a sport I like to watch
49. People here like to laugh and enjoy life
50. God is here with me {that is really all I need}
It does my heart good to be thankful.
What are 10 things you are thankful for?
Also, thank you Kayla, for encouraging me to make a list :)